Saturday, 14 July 2012

A Truly Human Culture Shares Music and Dance

I have always felt the the dancing belongs within a larger context and live it as such. The idea of things 'on their own' is also the idea of giving things the meanings we make up, (and fight over). In made-up meanings we are cut off from Meaning; a 'Prodigal journey' away from our true relatedness.

The wish to 'go our own way' has an allure of becoming something in our own right; a self specialness that sets out from a place in ourselves that is turned away from our true being - as if a curiosity, taken as real, becomes mesmerising - losing perspective in a self protective mask.

Prodigal journeys promise fulfilment but lead to depletion, conflictedness, limitation, and loss - an utter loneliness of being that cannot be merely salved; a convoluted thinking that cannot be extended or reconstructed. In one way of another the structures that expressed attempts of a self-will, disintegrate.

It is in the context of a willingness for reintegration that true culture originates or in 'Prodigal' terms the willingness to be of service in true relationship. In putting self will aside a deeper current rises through us and finds expression. To be moved, rather than being the mover, danced rather than being the dancer. To be wholly lived rather than playing out apart.

The interrelationships of wholeness transcend any organisation of seemingly broken or separate parts because each part expresses wholeness. In a willingness to 'be with'; to remain or abide in relationship, we invite the living spirit or principle of relatedness to express, in place of a compartmentalized mind. And are harmonized thereby.

I have never been able to articulate what the dance is that is truly shared, because even the manifest aspects of its expression are the least of its being. When I see a community learning to dance apart; of joining forms without joining of hearts, then I must dance as stillness; for joylessness is not my heart's desire to share or multiply.

In the disintegration of a joylessness is the prayer for love's awareness remembered; to see the love, and to be the love. This is an order of need of each other that cannot be measured.

Without a true basis, culture cannot 'take'. Establishing such a basis, is of giving welcome in place of a 'self-protective' script that blocks our own ears with fear of loss and costs us recognition of our true interrelatedness.

To step out of 'problem', fears, self-unworthiness, prejudice and the liability of self righteous isolation; is to step into the Music and the Movement of Life, as an integral part of wholeness. As a living embodiment of trust and connection.

Unless we give it, we shall not (know that we) have it (to share).
Perhaps losing all that we think we have, (and are) is the only way of awakening to (and as) as wholly fresh appreciation of all that is alive.

In some form or another, gathering in a shared heart, in music and dance, and in silence of our being, is integral to any truly human Culture.

The need for truth - for a true sanity of heart and mind and whole communication - is kindled within the disintegration of identity.

The wish to survive in our own terms initiates a protracted delay in which the new cannot come in because the old is barring the way. This doesn't stop the new, but simply covers one's eyes while all about is moving on. Has moved on.

The gestures of community tend to be subverted in reaction to ill fortune; to evils besetting us or adversity to overcome. Then dissipate when new evils come into fashion.

The passion with which fear is invested runs counter to the innate qualities of love's gift.

I feel it is time to own the mind that we called 'unconscious' and to become willing to share consciously of that which expresses a true interrelatedness. That isn't subject to spin and self specialness because it embodies in act, rather than being encapsulated in ideas that become used out of context.

To have a point of reference and witness that is not itself a reactive group of us over and against them or of a me over and against others, offers a true foundation. "When two or more gather in My Nature, there I am".

This is what I feel in the circle dance and this is what I hold sacred.

In Peace


PS: I also write. Some of which can be accessed via the blog links on my website:
Because it arises from a willingness of listening, it is only available to a willingness to listen. Twitter disciplines me to 140 characters!