Tuesday, 20 April 2010

First sharing of Hazel Young's 'Song of Orpheus' and 'The Kiss'

I shared Song of Orpheus last night. Not only is it a wonderful shared experience to dance - but we had three complete beginners - and the willingness that I shared with the group and their willingness to stay with me in its process - really opened us all into a depth of dance that words cant speak.
The first time I share a new dance can often be a wobbly launch experience - for until it is in my 'teaching body', I have not a full attention for bringing the dance present in relationship with the group - and can suddenly experience doubts that can completely undermine the sense of what I am sharing, as a result of even the slightest wobble or mis-take. However, the desire and belief in the dance did not get lost to the passing moments of confusion - and we soon came through into a very strong experience of intention and the energetic of those who experience the fruit of what they value - because they have valued it enough to bring a real attention and trust into play. I found I loved the pause after coming back from the surge - before turning in dance 2.
In all of Creation there is the aspect that beholds and sees that it is Good.  And sometimes there are these Sabbath moments of rest in which the gratitude from the joy of life - rises. Once touched, it infuses the whole dance.

Later we danced the Kiss.
Muriel - our fellow dancer and Hall owner - experienced that song live with Chloe as part of a fist anniversary concert for 9/11. She'd said it was one of the most amazing things she'd ever been to. Her/our dance place is a meditation hall - and not spacious enough for the fullness of  expressing this much freedom of movement in what was a fairly good turnout - but we all know this without a word and adapt. I use the non piano version where we start at the beginning - and love the way the rising aligns with the meanings in a few places. I forgive the music for not being different than it is and love the simplicity and seamlessness of the movement.
There is this thing of 'faking it' - of allowing the movement in the manner of - with the intention and gesture that puts us in the  zone where the real thing can emerge from within and 'take over'. To be danced by Life is not really to be 'taken over' but to be temporarily free of being 'taken over' by an assumed mentality of external control - such that the heart knows itself directly.

I looked up the whole Rumi poem for the Kiss and it links with the Moon's role in the Paramythi lyric - which speaks to my heart and I am glad to receive.
I'm sure you have it - but I liked to read it all as part of the dance.

There is some kiss we want
with our whole lives,
the touch of Spirit on the body.

Seawater begs the pearl
to break its shell.

And the lily, how passionately
it needs some wild Darling!

At night, I open the window
and ask the moon to come
and press its face into mine.
Breathe into me.

Close the language-door,
and open the love-window.

The moon won't use the door,
only the window.
Jelaluddin Rumi - 13th century. (Trans: Coleman Barks)

Paramythi (Fairy Story) The song by Orfeus Perides, used for Hazel Young’s dance ‘Song of Orpheus

The Sun the Moon the Sea,
I ask if they didn't know her, see her.
And the Sun replied from the Mountain
“I will shine on the whole world and I will find her”

The Moon spoke to me and laughed
“She sleeps in her mother’s embrace
I will wake her when I see her
She hears when I speak to her”.

And the Sea spoke to me from her depths
“You will be her love forever.
I will send the waves of the ocean
to go and soothe her heart and mind”

And the Sea spoke to me from her depths
“You will be her love forever.
I will unite all and rejoice for you.
The two I will make one, earth and sky”.

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