Friday, 18 March 2011

This I would share with you

What is it to grow a living culture that uses heart-connected music and dance as its vehicle of expression and renewal?

What is it to uncover the inner dancer, whose movement expresses as a whole and from within?

What is it to grow trust within yourself and therefore from there with others, so as to move through what had before seemed either difficult or obstructive to a greater joy in life?

What is it to take a few steps in trust and then find the dance somehow knows where to go? - and without your having to control the process?

What is it to know a oneness of the moment and movement of being that cannot be spoken - yet is a shared quality in which we naturally become released of a need to focus on differences and defences?

What is it to expand our horizons such that we grow our sense of participation in our world and in the dimensions and qualities of life?

What is it to share life without a sense of contractual obligation, one-up-mans-ship or ownership?

What is it to transcend the inward thinking judging mind and experience the body as love’s expression?

What is it to have regular and frequent renewal in spirit as part of a life lived on purpose?

What is it to serve and grow the culture by which you yourself have so much to be grateful for?

What is it to step out of a closeted existence that only seems safe - and embrace life as the transformative process that it unavoidably is?

What is it to find life each day ever anew - because of living out from an awakened heart and mind?

What is it to be a part of bringing the world to the light that it forgets and hides from in ignorance and error?

What is it to be called into a dance that will not let you forget nor hide again because you feel the call in your own heart and will not deny it or rest easy if your should try to?

This I would share with you.

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