Thursday, 8 January 2009

The Network

I have a sense of disconnections when I think of the circle dance network.
A sense that 'network' - means disconnected bits, as if 'free to do one's own thing' but without any real grounding. Yet I suppose that's may also be a way to generate experience that will cause the need for grounding to be sought. After all we do not have a strong grounded tradition already in place that holds us in guidance for a life inspired.

To an extent 'market forces' regulate some aspects of life - in that if there is no life in it - it withers from not being given attention - because it doesn't work. But while anyone believes they can get from it - it will be invested in until the bubble bursts.

Yet our own market led society is not an example of the living truth being more subscribed to or attractive than 'masked ploys to self furtherance and preservation'. (See my last post re living truth - I'm not talking about beliefs or ideologies or asserted positions or definitions).

Birds of a feather flock together.
We do not always feel a kinship or belonging with what others choose to do - but if we do not look to our own love that it express through us as we find opportunity to share it - it 'dies'.

This could be choreographing dances that some will abhor - or it could be that it expresses as most meticulous and demanding demonstrations and attention brought to sharing dances that some are simply not attuned to appreciating. But surely, when the intent is greater than merely feeding selfishness - then it carries a tone that some others will feel and join with. How could it be otherwise?

Let the wheat and tares grow together until harvest.
This is a way of saying that there are times to attend only the good and trust the harvest to sort - because the attempt to remove the tares damages the wheat (the good). Harvest can be seen as a future event - yet can also be seen as the light by which we discern in our own life that which undermines or denies the good, from that which sustains or welcomes it. For the sole purpose of relinquishing one in favour of being whole in the other.

Hate the sin - not the 'sinner'.
The urge to see the 'bad' as external to us and thus exclude it - to punish, attack or ridicule or blank - is deeply embedded in human thinking. The 'voice' that calls for this is a lie and needs to be truly seen for what it is - or it will control us unawares and perpetuate life-as-war.

There are many seeming levels and facets to human consciousness and one could say humanity has been the exploring and expression of these. Humans have or will sooner or later do most anything that they can imagine doing and which attracts them - even if it does so subliminally via fear. What we give attention to is in effect what we feed and call forth - reaping as we sow.

Of course we don't experience ourselves free to act without consequence and our behaviours are usually brought into social rules that keep some degree of order in which consciousness can grow and learn.

Healthy plants do not attract pests.

If carelessness becomes acceptable currency - then love in all its attributes is obscured.
Carelessness is un grounded, lacking presence - a kind of sleepwalking.
It is a call for correction and education - not judgement in self righteousness.

I do have a sense of so many who are awake and active in the appreciation and enjoyment of joining in music and dance. We all have particular preferences or callings and are thus the pallet through which a greater life expresses - and reaches out to others - than can be defined or contained in single approach.

Network - I think - originally meant a connecting or series of connections that were not necessarilly hierarchical. Yet there are nodes or hubs or servers that are giving into the larger community and I don't see why they cant be working at apparently different levels and yet share the peace - and call themselves what they will. But be given definition by what you are devoted to and not by what you are against - or the endarkenment persists.

Disappointment is a way that truth taps us on the shoulder to point out that we set up the appointment according to our personal expectations - and life did not do as we wanted. This is a great opportunity to invite the Spirit within to offer its curriculum where ours failed. But if you miss it - don't worry - it is like our dance - it come around again and yet again until we join the dance with both feet.

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