I wanted to mark Eastertime with Dance. Not along the lines of religion but simply to open to feel the Easter story and allow it to speak to me.
I then chose these dances as a list of possibilities from a much longer list that offered to fill roles or illuminate aspects of the story of Jesus.
And as I was moved to write from whatever I felt in them is my own intuitive writing - by the authority that is within us all to trust, to feel and to act. But though it is all write - none of it is a claim to truth - which is far beyond the reach of thought and yet never far from the heart that listens in stillness.
The story of God-love awakening within the human drama. Not just the entry into the world - but the undoing of its foundation as truth in and of itself.
In peace
Brian Steere
Ad’aman Palikari
The world tried to teach me of war - but I learned of love.
Ashtun Daje Mori
Drinking of the world I filled me with sorrows and yearnings. In stillness I look upon the will I made for myself and release it - to be restored to peace where love is - and now the world can reflect and serve awakened purpose.
The last Inca king who threw (the letter of) the bible away and was persecuted and denied by those who used the letter to validate personal gain.
Where are you now beloved? We walk with you in our heart. We reach to you in Light. We support each other in faith and trust, we look upon the reflection of our thought in the world and become one with the love that you are. Love calling love. Love answering love.
Days of Honey
In good work we live this day - setting off from a common centre: joined in desire and trust of a true heart, sharing the harvest of the good, the beautiful and the true.
Dodi Li
My beloved and I are one. The love that expresses through us awakens the remembrance of the Father in the Son. “See me and ye have seen the Father”. This cannot be spoken of - but the Son is the Word of the Father and the Father gives through the Son.
El Ginat Egoz
The fruit of Divine love - the ‘Holy Spirit called down’ - in the hearts of those who receive.
To the Nut Grove
I went down into the nut tree grove,
to see the green plants of the valley,
to see whether the vine budded,
and the pomegranates were in flower.
Let us get up early to the vineyards.
Let us see whether the vine has budded,
its blossom is open, and the pomegranates are in flower.
There I will give you my love.
Elm Tree
Mercy’s deep consolation holds the heart in peace amidst the trials of the world.
Embrace the Shadow
Love embraces all that is true and finds its own - all that isn't true - isn't. The willingness to ‘feel the fear but follow the heart anyway’ is to break the spell of fear and embrace a greater light of pure awareness - in which the story of self is undone in perfect inclusion. From embrace and acceptance of such a light do we recognize the shadow as cast by our own thought - and yet by seeing - is this no longer hid in the dark but revealed in light.
Conflicted relations IS a call for peace to restore sanity - for conflict is an unsanity of ungrounded perceptions that breed threat and offense; distrust and fear. Just as tired children who can become manic and uncontrollably energy-drunk are needing solid rest but cannot find it. Darkness is the opportunity for Light to shine exactly where it is in fact called for and needed.
Farewell Shalabiye
Jesus prayed directly from his heart and not by rote - in that he turned attention within - in the quietness apart from the bustle of life - and trusted the communication and communion of love as his nature, his source, his guidance and his being. We often want steps and methods and such structures can serve but can also become a way to remain dependent on externals - when the Call is to awaken to the feeling awareness of life in expression - to be its expression - alive!
This dance has an opportunity to trust and allow the hands and arms to express. There isn't a right and wrong - but there is a true and false. True expression is at one with the heart and not merely an applied technicality. Use applied technicality to grow trust - not to protect from having to give it!
To be opening or growing willingness for truth is a living process and cannot be judged by the mind. There is a process of greater freedom of expression - and what is expressed is more clearly discerned - yet the Movement of life is an Is! - and not a was.
The music and dance is also a bridging of clashing cultures - an offering of peace amidst a confusion of difference.
From the Cross to Light
The mentality of self judgement and self punishment, (crucifiction), may be enacted in the world as a script of injustice, arising from a false but deeply ingrained self-ishness that engenders - and is supported by - guilt and fear.
At some point we begin to weary of the meaninglessness of suffering in ‘independence self’, and reach out, to let in truth, by releasing our investment in my story: ‘all about me’. For we desire peace in our heart.
As we grow in our desire to awaken we realize we had seen all things as through a glass darkly - covering the knowledge and remembrance of truth in the heart. In attempt to live ‘in a loveless world’, we grew a self-image that is defended, masked, and yet keeping our love and joy unseen and unshared and without witness. We hide in our story of the world - that we be kept hidden from truth - for we fear truth when we listen to the voice for fear.
In desiring peace I release the will by which I meet only confusion and meaninglessness, and accept in its stead - original or revealed Self - of which I learn as if anew until the Light remembers what and where it is and was and always shall be. (God’s Will).
Habits run deep that were deeply cherished and the journey from the cross is often associated with loss, fear and resistance - yet these are but further journeys to the cross in yet subtle disguise. For the awakened joy of release from suffering cannot itself be a call to suffer.
For the call to suffer is a separate will that has been discerned as loveless thinking that leads nowhere.
Disengaging from, releasing, and not reacting or identifying with that voice - becomes the way of hearing the still small voice of the heart - which is always Present and is the connecting of you in truth with all that is true. Now all things serve a different Master - now all things are an opportunity - not for division - but for love’s presence to reveal itself.
In the world are tares and wheat both - two minds that speak as guides for seeing - and as we choose to listen so do we perceive.
The lost seek outside themselves - busy finding many things and yet finding nothing - for nothing is outside themselves but for the wish that such be made true for them.
The found seek within - and surrender in trust - for they know they are not their own maker and therefore the makings of the mind that thinks it-self apart - can not be truth. Giving the mercy and love and compassionate forgiveness that arises from a surrendered heart is the restoration of the mind to its wholeness. Heaven is here.
Mary Magdelen’s love and intuitive guidance brought her to the chamber - where the stone was rolled back and no corpse was to be found. Her mind could not understand what her heart was revealing. Jesus - love of her heart of hearts - revealed alive in light and truth - even here. The approach of perfect love shines away the hidden self of fear - that seems to rise a moment in conviction of unworthiness and sin - only to be gently passed by in acceptance of truth as it is. In Peace.
Gentle Tsamikos
Jesus living message of love from the Father as the Source of Love came to many hearts ready to hear - and they could not but go forth in a new demeanor - a light within that yet shone through them and spread to other minds who were likewise open to receive.
The holy and the broken experiences in the world are both fully felt and known and yet both are released in the willingness to sing praise in the heart to the Source of Creation - who is known through the heart that gives . In expressing life as it is - we become present to the underlying feeling and released from an emotionalism that arises from private thinking. The knowing or guidance in the heart is no kind of censor or judge.
Heart to Heart
The communion of love is the relationship within - expressed through and embodied by - tangibility : the world : each other. As we release ‘other ness’ and its defences we recognise our selves in each other and the light in all things.
Heaven Today?
Asking within becomes the conduit for the answer to come through. The flowing peace is the condition in which distortions of thought are not operating. The questions of the mind are not answered - but the desire in the heart is met.
Huron Carol
The seeking of the Divine - following the sign - led by a light - to beyond human sight, Holiness is the light of being itself and not a special object or person. With these new eyes we return to the world - to ‘our kingdoms’ in growing willingness to be guided in honouring and serving the truth that Is before Abraham was. To become on earth as it is in heaven.
Inti Tusuy
Living with a bright countenance by orienting to receive light - loving God and loving God’s Son in brother and sister and world - as one love.
in the company of the heart we feel and know and have our being in love.
Joc La Sinciene
Rising above the heavy sounds of the world - a beauty soars clearly to behold. Even the wake of the wound is turned to beauty
Jovane Jovanke
Experience of loss becomes an imprisoned yearning trapped in the past - but the prompting of the heart bids step forward and become present in gratitude and release the past along with the mind that holds your heart to its confines. Let the beauty of love shared walk alive in this day in me. ‘Let the wound become the place where my heart in love is truly known’.
Kareve Yom
in following the Father’s Will Jesus comes to recognise a gift moving within that love would make to love now stirring in sleep - the revelation of eternal life in sinlessness made tangible.
To give oneself so completely that only God is - where ‘my life’ seemed to be. And God is all in all.
This conscious ‘dying’ into Light while yet alive - was the culmination of an ongoing demonstration through Jesus’ life that God’s Spirit is one - the truth and life of all.
Jesus accepted this gift by giving it - through his own willingness to be a vehicle through which God lives - and only God lives. In such complete release of the human personality; ‘Jesus’ - did Christ awaken.
No self but only a selflessness that knows one Self in all.
The Father/Mother is one - undivided: Indivisible: the Flow or Expression of Being. Without beginning or end - eternally giving. In the Son/Daughter is the knowing Thyself. Love the Source and Truth perfectly and love thy Brother - Sister as Thy Self.
Lo Yisa Goy
‘Peter - put up thy sword’ ‘Love your enemy’. Love the ways of peace and forgive as you are forgiven for they are one. ‘Even as ye do unto the least - ye do unto me’.
Misir Lou (Vradiazi - Its getting dark)
For the disciples immediately after the Crucifiction
I searched for you at the dawn,
I found you at the afternoon
and I spoke to your heart.
I entered in the black fate.
Northern wind knocks at my door,
and in my soul cold,
and in my bitter eyes,
little by little it’s getting dark.
I searched for your eyes,
to walk in the light,
to make sweet dream,
to close old sorrows.
Misir Lou (Sto Periagiali)
“My Kingdom is not of this world”
On the secret seashore, white like a pigeon, we thirsted at noon, but the water was brackish.
On the golden sand, we wrote her name, but the sea-breeze blew and the writing vanished.
With what spirit, what heart, what desire and passion, we lived our life ... a mistake!
So we changed our life...
Composed by Mikis Theodorakis Based on (Arnisi) DENIAL [English trans : Edmund Keeley and Phillip Sherrard]
Giorgos Seferis - (Nobel laureate and one of Greece’s best loved poets).
Morning Blessing
Reawakening - whole bodily - in Gratitude. The orientation of the heart at the beginning of each day.
Mucho Madruga
We approach the center as we feel the call - we learn to pause and listen in stillness. Moved only by the movement within, we travel - we learn to listen for where we are - we are willing to release a fixed place and to step back and listen - we need to repeat that for it is a new willingness that has come to replace old habits of will.
Nada te Turbe
May nothing disturb you.
May nothing astonish you.
Everything passes.
God does not go away.
Patience can attain anything.
He who has God within,
does not lack anything.
God is everything!
One Love
Let’s join in one heart revealed - and feel ... alright!
Oro Ce Vie
A full hearted procession - sing and be glad - Hosanna!
Pravo Plovdisko Horo
Yielding to the will that is known in a quiet heart with grace, reverence and bridging the world of time and the timing of love. ‘In the world but not of it’.
Prodomeni Agape Mou
‘Love betrayed me’ - translates into the following by the Holy Spirit:
‘My wish of a love’ special to me - blinded and possessed me to see all things in its lens. But broken heart becomes open heart.
A resurrection song. Rising anew from the root where betrayal and loss of love have been felt and yet questioned in the truth of the heart to be undone and released of compulsion or necessity. This opens a presently childlike curious freedom to be from life anew.
Acknowledge and honour the Father Mother Source of all and be with love and gratitude renewed.
Love singing and always smiling, depart worry-free from this world of ours, whatever you do, will always be. do not believe in idle talk. I've missed you; don't you pity me? No longer can I endure the pain of separation. You're the physician who can heal me, don't let my love die in longing. May my love be intoxicated with yours, and my day with you pass joyfully, even if everyone will know, you are my heart's owner now. Let us love one another as long as we have now, for who will remain in this world forever. The world passes. (adapted from Translation)
Jesus ‘called down’ the Holy Spirit - or rather - embodied it and brought our awareness to a capacity to discern and locate the Kingdom within. For the Holy Spirit is the higher calling that reminds you of your true home and seeks your willingness and acceptance to restore your mind to the love that it knows you eternally Are.
joining with others through our tasks - through our expression of common value and worth in solidarity, through our fun and play - we find vitality of life ever rising, always full.
Sharing one body - in honour of the Spirit of life that creates and flows through us as our life - we rest in your Current, feeling the subtle tides of life, and the moving with the rhythm that opens the space for the pause - a moment of conception where the eternal is for a moment clothed in form.
Tsamikos Heivala
“I have overcome the world” is the restatement of perfect inclusion in God.
For a world experienced as outside and between us, reflects a false belief.
For of a wish and belief and grasp for power does darkness seem to steal the light and render it nothing.
And yet persuade that its remaining power is the force of will necessary to survive.
But in faith and courage of the heart to hold true to its own Ground and Being is the mind of conflict starved of support and no hidden place for illusion remains. True victory is not over an ‘other’ but is the re-inclusion of the mind that believed ‘otherness’ was fear’s validity.
Great joy in release and homecoming!
White Bird
In all directions, walking only with peace for self - for each other and for world - is the way of meekness that inherits the earth - as heaven revealed and plants the demonstration of such a love into the Earth as a growing of the light in the mind that sleeps.
Yianni Mou/Goddess Invocation
From the womb of earth we are called forth by a light we cannot at first see - broken open of our dream self like a seed-case and rise to open and acknowledge the Life Force of the Sun. In abundant glory does the patterning of the earth flower. Consider the Lilies!
You Ain't Go-Nowhere
Limitations that deny freedom - the impossibility of escape from conditions that are ultimately called forth by ones own desire - yet hidden in the world.
The bridegroom cometh when ye thinketh not!
This is called the ‘kingdom cometh’ or ‘is nigh’ because to those who insist today is only as they determine it is - the bridegroom is hidden by their ‘already knowing’.
They will see as their thought determines and have their reward.
Truth cannot make war on illusion for to truth there is none!
When we come to the moment of trial we will know what to say and do - until then don't worry (or it becomes as if true by investment).
Leaving the state of freedom that is innate to awareness itself - to know itself through all things - is not possible except by disguise of illusion.
For by judgement can we exclude and by exclusion can we limit and by limitation can we suffer as one judged, excluded and limited.
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